I have moved this blog. I needed somewhere to start over and get back into the groove of things. If you would like the address please email me at amandahartz@gmail.com
Monday, February 1, 2010
Moving the blog
Written with Love By Amanda at 1:58 PM 13 Tell me about it
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
A letter to Cole's teeth
Dear Teeth,
Please, I beg of you, break through the skin today. I don't think I can take the screaming anymore. I need sleep. A few hours a night just doesn't cut it. Have you seen me lately? I look like I have been punched in the face. I look like I have two black eyes. I can't take this anymore. I promise I will take care of you. I promise to brush and floss them a million times a day if you will PLEASE just come in!!! I have laundry piled to the ceiling, floor that need to be scrubbed, and I just need a few minutes to myself. I don't feel like I am being needy, a girl needs her sanity and mine is close to being gone. I don't like to see my baby in pain it breaks my heart. So, PLEASE TEETH, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH I NEED YOU TO COME IN TODAY.
With Love,
Written with Love By Amanda at 3:09 PM 1 Tell me about it
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Written with Love By Amanda at 10:35 AM 1 Tell me about it
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Lots Going on
Our life is a little crazy right now. I feel like we have a million things going on at once. Our lease is up here in Chapel Hill at the end of October. However, we found a house that we love in Fuquay and it is available now. So, we are packing up and moving a month earlier than expected. Everyone is so excited about the move. We will be living in a nice neighborhood on a culdasac where Hayden will have lots of kids to play with. We are excited to be living within minutes from all of my family. It will be nice to have everyone so close by. And the house is bigger with a bonus room. I start a new job on October 19. One that I am excited about yet nervous about at the same time. I decided not to go back to the daycare center I was working at before Cole was born for many reasons. It turns out the center is closing at the end of October. I was offered a nanny position for two little boys that I taught at Parkway Children's Center. I will be making more money, the hours are better I get to be with my children all day. The downside is that it's going to be a little crazy taking care of 4 little boys.
We feel like this move will be really good for our family. Moving to Chapel Hill two years ago turned out to be not what we wanted. However, we have had some good times here. We just prefer to be closer to our family. Our plan is to move next weekend. Sometime this week I will email everyone with our new telephone number and address. Our GMail email addresses are the ones we will be using. Once we get moved I will post pictures and tell you all about our perfect little boys.
By the way, Cole had his 4 month appt. a little bit ago and he weighs 14.5lbs! He is growing like a weed and is just as cute as can be.
Written with Love By Amanda at 4:08 PM 1 Tell me about it
Friday, September 11, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Masters Champion 2032
I do hope this is a hobby they can always enjoy together!
Written with Love By Amanda at 3:22 PM 2 Tell me about it
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lazy Lake Days
Written with Love By Amanda at 8:00 AM 1 Tell me about it