Sunday, November 25, 2007

So busy...

Gosh we've been so busy lately, as I'm sure everyone else has too. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, it's always so nice to see family. Hayden had a great time playing with all of his cousins. We all really had a great time. Even Greg got to join us on Thursday.

Other than turkey day Greg has been busy at the restaurant and I've been busy here at the house trying to keep Hayden busy. Mark stayed with us a couple days last week while he was interviewing at a couple schools in the area, Duke (Boo) and Carolina (Go Heels!). Just kidding both schools are great. Our blood just runs Carolina blue in this house. For those of you who don't know Mark he is Greg's cousin Adria's husband. It was a delight to have him here we look forward to seeing more of them when they move to the area.

Here is a new picture of the restaurant like I promised. I didn't get to take any of the inside I was a little busy dealing with Hayden. This weekend they did a mock service by invitation only. They let friends and family come in and eat for free to give everyone a chance to practice. We went this morning and had wonderful food and service. Greg really has something to be proud about. They've done a great job and everyone was so nice. Fridays opens to the public on Tuesday, so everyone please keep your fingers crossed that this restaurant will be a success. I'm sure it will be.

Yesterday I got a little festive and decided that since everyone on our street has already decorated for the holidays, I might as well also. Some of my lights already went out so I'll have to fix that this week. But, it works for now. Hayden thinks it looks pretty and that's all that matters. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving...until next time.

a couple videos for your viewing pleasure...nothing to exciting!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Mr. Potato Head

Hayden has a ton of Mr. Potato Head toys and he's been playing with them quite a bit lately. Just a little bit ago we sat down together and here are some pictures of our creations. Can you tell which ones I made and which ones he made?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's been a while..

Its been a while since I last updated. This week has been especially hard on our family. I never knew how tired and exhausting it would be to not have any help with Hayden. This is just the beginning and I don't know how I'm going to do it. Greg has been at work it seems like for 4 days straight. He leaves around 8 in the morning and gets home around 1:30 am. I don't know how he's doing it. He looks completely worn out. We only see him for a couple minutes before he leaves for work in the morning. Please keep us in your thoughts and pray that we can make it through these next couple months without going CRAZY! I've been trying to keep myself busy by organizing the house. I think I've rearranged my kitchen cabinets a million times this week. I even organized my can veggies. I've never been this organized in my life! My mom can vouch for that! ha ha!

Hayden and I went by the restaurant on Sunday and it looks amazing. It doesn't look like your traditional Fridays. It's completely modernized. And Greg is so proud of it. I wish I had remembered my camera so I could take pictures. Oh well! My brain has been a little scrambled lately. Greg has his final walk through today and the restaurant should be guest ready by this afternoon. Yesterday he called me after the health inspector left completely distraught. The inspector told him he had to raise every shelf in the entire kitchen 12 inches. Keep in mind that all of the shelves are completely stocked with food and supplies. This includes all the refrigerators and freezers. This is what Greg has been working on all week. So last night he spent raising and restocking shelves. How much FUN! I know he'll be glad when they finally open the doors for service, which will be on November 27 if everything goes according to plan.

As for Hayden, he's still growing like a weed. I swear he gets a little taller everyday. He's so much fun to be around. We've been working on potty training lately and its not going so good. I figured he was ready since he comes and gets me every time he needs a new diaper. He's become quite independent these days. He has to do everything himself. If you open his yogurt or help him up into his booster he will throw a complete fit. Just the other day I learned that he doesn't need help getting in and out of the bath. In fact I put him in and he screamed until I took him out so he could climb in by himself. My little monkey is growing up I guess.

I love my family, they are the most important thing in my life. I guess that is why the holidays are so special to me. Thanksgiving is my favorite time of year. I love all the food and the smells and the joy of being near the ones I love the most. I love that there is no pressure of buying gifts, it is just a day to be thankful for the things and the people you have in your life. Until next time...Happy Holidays Everyone, I love you all!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Our Little Dragon

What an exciting day yesterday was. Greg actually had yesterday and today off so we've been trying to do somethings as a family since we don't see him that often. First we had an appointment with a new pediatrician which I am so excited about. The office focuses more on the children rather than money like most places. They only see 2 patients an hour, and have no answering machines so you always talk to a real person. They are open until 5:30 everyday even Saturday. On Monday and Wednesday they stay open until 8:30. We met all the nurses and doctors yesterday and everyone is so nice. I feel very comfortable having them take care of Hayden. On Monday we are going to a balloon party and getting our flu shots at the same time. Hayden was an angel at the doctor you wouldn't even have known he was there.

When we got home we decided to carve pumpkins which is not a good idea to do with an almost two year old. I don't know what I was thinking. Anyway we got it done and were pretty proud of them. Hayden refused to take a nap yesterday. He always does this when Greg is home. He sure loves his daddy. After dinner and tons of candy we started to get some trick or treaters. Everyone was pretty cute and there were some original costumes. It reminded me of when I was little and all the costumes my mom made for me. Since Hayden didn't take a nap he was pretty cranky and then you add a ton of sugar on top of it. He was quite a character to be around. He ran up and down the drive way all night long. He was hilarious. The only pumpkin that made it through the night was Greg's spider the rest Hayden got a hold of. We ended up getting a lot of trick or treaters apparently its a big deal in the neighborhood. We also met all of our neighbors that live on our street.

Hayden was by far the cutest dragon ever...and he had enough candy to last him until next Halloween.