Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fun with Someecards

Hayden has a doctors appointment in 45 minutes so I'm wasting a little time. I found this on Shelly's blog and it looked like fun. Someecards is absolutely hilarious if you need a little laugh. The goal is to find 5 cards that describe yourself in “amazingly unflattering ways.” Here it goes:

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Like a Fish

Hayden and I have been spending most of our Sundays at Grandma's house. It's really the only day of the week that my mom has off so we try to get over there and spend the day with her. It's nice for Hayden and I love spending time with my mom. She has a little 3ft pool in her back yard that she bought for the kids to play in. Hayden has really gotten comfortable in the water over the past few weeks. Once he realized that he can touch bottom without going under he's cool as a cucumber (haha). Especially with his swimmer arms he really likes to float around and swim. He says he's a gold fish when he's in the water. The kid has quite the imagination.

I can't wait to see what our little fish will be like at Nana's house in Texas. I'm sure we will have a hard time keeping him out of the back yard. Greg better rest up while he can because he's on pool duty when we get there.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Marbles Museum

Marbles Museum in Raleigh (and no Erin it's not actually a museum all about Marbles, haha), is by far my favorite place for kids in the area. It's quite a trek to Raleigh for us but when we make a day out of it, it's well worth it. The entire place is filled with activities and exhibits for kids (and adults) to use their imagination. On Friday the three of us went and had a blast. It's a lot of fun for all of us. We built cars and raced them (Greg and I did) for Hayden. He wanted so bad to race cars but in order to race you had to build the car first so that is what Greg and I did for him. Unfortunately Greg's car beat mine every time. The museum has opened a new exhibit all about Olympics. I couldn't believe all the cute things they had for kids to do. They had ping pong tables, 1/2 of an ice rink for hockey, hurdles, long jump, high jump, balance beams and hula hoops. We had a lot of fun and Hayden and I love it when we get to spend the day with Greg.
The long car above is the one Greg built. The first time we raced them, they both fell apart at the end of the track.
The car above is mine...mine was a little easier to fix the second time around.
Hayden playing on the big train track.

Greg's car is on the right and mine is on the left.

Our cars are the ones that made it all the way to the end. Greg's was on the left this time and the one that fell apart at the end. Mine actually stayed intact!!

Greg and Hayden hula hooping!

Anniversary Family Time

For our anniversary we went out to dinner the night before. We decided to spend the night together as a family rather than by ourselves. We know that we will get to spend some time alone while we are in Texas. Hayden is pretty good when we go places so we don't mind. We went and ate at the Cheesecake factory (of course) and then we cruised around the mall a bit. How can you get much cute than that!
I think the picture above is just hilarious. Inside the mall near the foodcourt they have a huge play area for the kids. This mall is only about 15 minutes from our house and it's such a neat place. Hayden and like to come here on rainy days to let out some of his excess energy. The entire play area is all sports related. It really is an adorable play ground and one of the best I have seen inside a mall. The only down fall is that sometimes it can get a little crowded. This mall even has child tables to sit at to make the kids feel extra special.

Hayden said mommy take my picture....cheese. Hayden's personality has really blossomed over the past few months. I think he's quite funny. But, I'm a little biased too.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary Greg!

happy 1 year anniversary! 6 years total....Wow! I can't believe it! I am trully blessed to have met someone so perfect for me. I am amazed at how far we have come in 6 years.

Thanks for being an amazing husband, father, and bestfriend. I love you!
Here's to a million more wonderful years!! Haha!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's Official

We're going on a trip!!!
I think Moose A. Moose from Noggin says it best...

Hayden and I had our annual trip to Texas planned for September. We were very excited to go, we even bought Hayden brand new luggage to take with him. Since the baby was due at the beginning of the year, Greg was going to roll over a week of vacation to use to be with us after the baby was born. Now that our situation has changed, Greg is going to come with us! Now we are even more excited than we were before!! It will be so nice for the 3 of us to get away for an entire week and spend the time with our family that we love and miss so much. We can't wait to see you guys. Hayden has changed so much since you saw him last. I'm so excited Greg gets to come with us, I can hardly contain myself.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Baking with Mommy

Hayden loves to help out in the kitchen and I love to bake. Now that I have my new Kitchen Aid Mixer I can't seem to get away from it. Since Saturday I have used it 4 times and I try and find excuses to use it everyday. Thank you Jeni for the very thoughtful present. I was completely shocked when it arrived on our doo rstep. It has really put a smile on my face. Thank you!

Monday, July 14, 2008

4th of July

I know this is late but, I've been busy!

During the day we went to my moms house so Hayden and Greg could have some fun in the sun. That night we went to Kenan Stadium for the fireworks. We never did see any fireworks! We got stuck in the stadium until almost 10 because of a storm. We did get to see some natural fireworks and we met some very nice people.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This is the 4th time I've started this post. I've wanted to tell you how I'm feeling about our loss. But, I don't think that is necessary. You all know I'm angry and upset and can probably imagine the many reasons why. I think at this point it is important for me to tell you that I'm doing all right! Each day it gets a little easier to deal with. The pain and the grief has not gone away but, I'm learning how to deal with it.

A week ago today we were on a family day trip to the zoo and had no clue what was in store for us the next day. I woke up Wednesday morning hoping for some sort of relief to start feeling better but, instead I was hit with a devastating blow. No one can tell you how to react or even how to prepare for something like this. You never think it will happen to you. However, as a family we have stuck together and hopefully have gotten through the worst of it. Greg has been on vacation since last Tuesday. Having him here this entire time has truly been a blessing. We have filled our days with fun family activities. We've cried and laughed and enjoyed being together. He goes back to work on Thursday and I'm not looking forward to being by myself but, it will be nice for Hayden and I to get back into the groove of things. I'm extremely thankful to everyone that has helped us get through this. The conversations and shoulders to lean on have been invaluable. I know that life goes on and one day we will be blessed with another child. Now was just not our time and I'm ok with that. I know that this is God's plan for us an in time the pain will go away.

Thank you to our Family and Friends who have been by our side this entire time. We couldn't go through this without you.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Little Footprints

A few days shy of 12 weeks we discovered that our baby no longer had a heart beat. This was devastating news for us. Late yesterday afternoon I had a D&C and arrived home late in the evening. Right now we are mourning the loss of the child we so badly wanted to add to our family. I put my trust and faith in knowing that God has a plan for us. When the time is right, He will bless us with another child. Right now we are cherishing every moment that we have with Hayden knowing that life changes in an instant.
Little Footprints
By: Dorothy Ferguson
How very softly
you tiptoed into my world.
Almost silently,
only a moment you stayed.
But what an imprint
your footprints have left
upon my heart.