Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Two Things

Just a little while ago I was led to a blog that has truly touched my heart. Everyone needs to take some time and read the postings of a brave husband and father. Nathan and his wife Tricia, who has been struggling with Cystic Fibrosis her entire life just welcomed their daughter Gweneth Rose into the world. Their journey has not been easy and still remains to be a struggle. Nathan and his family are incredibly courageous, strong, and amazing. But, they need every ones thoughts and prayers right now. Please take the time to check out his blog and pray for him and his family.

While I was reading Nathan's blog Hayden was supposed to be taking a nap. Here lately Hayden has been put in his room to take a nap and he doesn't go to sleep until an hour and a half later. While on the computer I hear Hayden calling my name so I run in there and this is what I find.

By the way, Hayden never fell asleep. He's on the couch now with Greg watching Toy Story.

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