I get so busy in my day to day schedule that I take for granted all the little things that make being a mom so special. The good and the bad. (who am I kidding there is no bad) I've mentioned in a couple recent posts about the Lawrenson Family and there struggle over the past few months and months to come. I've been challenged to make a list of all the things that I take for granted that I wish so deeply for Tricia to experience. So Tricia this is for you:
I can't wait for you to experience this...
- Late night feedings and singing Gwyneth back to sleep.
- Staying awake the entire night the first time she sleeps in her crib
- Laying in bed listening to the sweet noises she makes over the monitor
- Christmas mornings
- Rushing to take your first shower in 3 days during naptime
- Having her fall asleep on your chest and wishing that moment would last forever.
- projectile vomit from the back seat of the car (we know it all happens)
- Hearing her say mommy for the first time
- Seeing those little arms stretched up in the air begging for you to pick her up.
- Hearing her say "It's alright mommy" when you burn your hand or are crying
- Telling your Nathan "it's your turn I changed her last time".
- bath time
- reading bedtime stories (the same one over and over)
- The obsession kids get with things and having to carry her favorite toy everywhere you go (and its a new one every week)
- only being able to wash her favorite blanket when she's asleep
- smeared dirty diapers in the crib
- Seeing Gwyneth run around the house playing with Meka
- First teeth
- First steps
- Having Gwyneth crawl in bed with you just to snuggle one last time before going to sleep
- Bear hugs right when you wake up in the morning
- watching the same show over and over on tv
- demanding that she wear a certain shirt even though its 2 sizes to small
- those sweet slobbery kisses
I could go on forever...Tricia I just can't wait until you can touch her skin to skin. And all the other little moments that we take for granted everyday but are so very special.
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