Wheww...it's a new week! Time to relax and have some fun with my family. After cleaning my dirty house that is. It's amazing how much laundry can accumulate while your gone for a few days. Hayden and I had a good time at my sisters house. It was nice to spend some one on one time with her kids. I sent Hayden home with Greg on Friday night to spend some quality time with Daddy. It was a lot easier to watch after the kids once mine was out of the mix. Greg is on vacation until next Thursday. It will be nice to have him around for 10 days. He might drive me a little crazy but we have some fun things planned.
I've got some adorable pictures and video footage from the kids this weekend. I bought the kids a slip and slide to keep them occupied while Nikki and Travis were out of town. I have so many pictures and couldn't decide which ones I like best so I'm going to dedicate a single post to each child. I'll be working on those throughout the day.
Hope everyone has a great week!
25 Easy Dip Recipes With Few Ingredients
2 years ago
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