...look what I can do!
I've mentioned before that we have a neighborhood park at the end of our street. It's kind of an old park and needs some updating but, it's nice to have around. Hayden and I often pack a little lunch and walk a couple steps to the park. Literally a few steps, we can see if from our driveway! At the park they have a rope ladder that Hayden has wanted to master for quite some time. And he finally got it. He was very proud of himself and I was proud of him too!

Side note: For all those wondering how Hayden's potty training is going. I couldn't be more proud of him. I would say we are about 3/4 of the way finished. As long as we are home he goes potty all by himself with out being asked. I've been putting pull ups on him when we leave the house. I'm not sure I'm brave enough yet to venture out in big boy pants. I'm sure he would do surprisingly well. My goal is to have him completely potty trained by our Texas trip in the middle of September.
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você é fantástico!
realmente agradável blog
fabulosa fantástico
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Great job Hayden! Doesn't it feel great to see your child accomplish something they've worked so hard at?!
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