Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Did Not!

I got this from a blog I read daily and thought it was a cute idea. It proves we are all imperfect parents.

I did not let my son wear his pajamas all day long. I did not let him roam the house in only his pajama top and nothing else until he went stinky in the potty.

I did not put baby powder in my hair to mask the oiliness when I went to the grocery store because I was too lazy to take a shower.

I did not just make oiliness a word. ( I just did spell check and apparently oiliness is a word)

I did not forget to plug my phone in for the 18th day in a row and let it go dead.

I did not let my husband feed our son popcorn and ice cream for lunch. And I most certainly did not let him eat croutons for a snack because he wanted them.

I did not eat McDonalds for lunch even though I said I would not eat fast food. I did not, not tell my husband that I ate McDonalds for lunch when he asked if I had already eaten lunch.

I did not buy 6 bottles of our favorite bbq sauce today b/c it was on sale.

And I most certaintly did not stay in bed late today and let Greg and Hayden fend for themselves.

What did you not do today?

3 Tell me about it:

Taylor Family said...

I'll have to do that sometime as well. What a cute idea!

Taylor Family said...

I'll have to do that sometime as well. What a cute idea!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we are all imperfect.
"I did not" do a lot of things:)