Sunday, February 22, 2009

and he shall be called...

Thank you to everyone that helped us with our naming dilemma. Greg and I have thought long and hard about what our sweet baby boy will be called. All week we have thought about every aspect of his name anda his future. We wanted a solid name, that would be respectable even as an adult. The name that we have chosen was not an option until early this week. I hope no ones feelings are hurt. We love the name Cooper but just weren't sure it was the right fit for this baby. I wasn't 100% about it and didn't want to settle on something that we weren't sure about. The name we have chosen, we love and we both agree on. Well, except Hayden who calls the baby "Lightening McQueen", but he will get over it. I think I have drove Greg absolutely crazy with the baby names. I know he is relieved we have finally chosen a name. And so he will be called...

Cole Talon Hartz
We actually got his first name from and my sister actually gave us the idea of Talon weeks ago as a first name. (Thanks Nikki) Unless Greg changes his mind this decision is final. I hope everyone likes it.

3 Tell me about it:

Taylor Family said...

I like the name Cole, Talon will grown on me too!

nana said...

Just wanted to let you know I like the names you have picked out. I'm glad you are doing well, hope you continue to have good health. Debbie

Amanda said...

Thanks Guys! We can't wait for Baby Cole to arrive and for everyone to meet him!