Oh my, this little man has kept me on my toes lately. Since, he has been so use to a tight schedule with school, he has been quite bored at home. We have had to stay in doors most of the summer since it has been so hot and Cole is so young. Unfortunately that means Hayden is stuck inside with us as well. I've been making several trips to Nikki's house in an effort to keep him busy. However, that doesn't make the new transition any easier on him. I must say though, he is quite the trooper. He hugs and kisses his baby brother constantly and always wants to know where he is and what he is doing. He has had some behaviour issues but we knew that would happen and are trying to deal with them one by one. I am positive he will overcome them especially since we go back to work/school in only 5 more weeks...wow! I'm not sure I am ready but I know he is. We leave for Texas in a couple weeks so hopefully that will keep him busy. He sure is excited about it. Here are a few (lots actually) pictures of our big guy!

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