6 weeks

9 weeks 2 days
11 weeks 3 days

13 weeks 2 days

look at those little feet crossed

13 weeks 2 days
look at those little feet crossed
It has been so crazy to see this baby grow. As you can tell from the pictures above he/she has changed so much in just a few weeks. My appointment today went well. My subchorionic hemorrhage looks to be a little bigger. It's about 2cm which isn't big at all. It is still something to keep a close eye on though. So, I go back on December 2, for another ultrasound. The babies heart beat was 169. The little booger wouldn't stay still for very long. It was just a wiggling. Hopefully, everything will continue to go smoothly. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, we aren't out of the woods just yet. I'll keep you posted.
Everything looks great!! Baby is growing right on schedule and is very strong. My subchorionic hemorrhage is almost gone. I've had some spotting this week and they seem to think that is coming directly from the hemorrhage and that is why it is going away! Thank Goodness! I had another transvaginal ultrasound, you can see things better this way. The tech is pretty sure, she said almost 100% that we are having another boy. We are fine with that. Hayden has been a wonderful kid and we know that another boy would be just as wonderful. We will know definitely what we are having when we have our anatomy scan at 20 weeks. But, we all saw little boy parts on the screen, it was definitely not cord. It's amazing how early they can tell things. I don't go back to the doctor until December 30...hallelujah! I was getting tired of going. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers, it mean a lot!
Everything looks great!! Baby is growing right on schedule and is very strong. My subchorionic hemorrhage is almost gone. I've had some spotting this week and they seem to think that is coming directly from the hemorrhage and that is why it is going away! Thank Goodness! I had another transvaginal ultrasound, you can see things better this way. The tech is pretty sure, she said almost 100% that we are having another boy. We are fine with that. Hayden has been a wonderful kid and we know that another boy would be just as wonderful. We will know definitely what we are having when we have our anatomy scan at 20 weeks. But, we all saw little boy parts on the screen, it was definitely not cord. It's amazing how early they can tell things. I don't go back to the doctor until December 30...hallelujah! I was getting tired of going. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers, it mean a lot!
3 Tell me about it:
We'll keep you in our prayers. We can't wait to find out what you are having
Another boy. Hayden will be so excited!
Wow, it is amazing what you can see now days. We are so glad that all is going well and we are always mindful of you and your family. Hayden will be very happy to have a brother to play with, and no new clothes to buy. Janie will just have to keep putting those girl clothes aside for another couple of years. Hope all continues to go well and you have a great christmas. Debbie
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