...but truly amazing.
My have we been busy. I'm so sorry for the lack of blogging lately. Being pregnant, a mom, a wife, and working pretty much has me in a whirlwind. The Holidays were amazing. Hayden was such a joy to be around at Christmas time. We were also lucky to have Nana (Greg's mom) and Jeni (Greg's sister) here with us for over a week. We don't get to see them often so it is always nice when they are here. We won't see them again until after the baby is born. :( I do not have any pictures from Christmas, just video. However, Jeni took tons and will get them to me shortly so I can share them with everyone. Hayden was so excited to see that Santa came Christmas eve and he was showered with gifts from everyone. His favorites are his Handy Manny tool set, his orange dragon, his mac truck with Lightening McQueen, and of course his very first bike. Which we are still trying to teach him how to ride. Thank you to Aunt Donna and Grandma Blair for the gifts you sent. Hayden is such a lucky little man to have so many people who love him. We pretty much spent the holidays with my family and Greg's family. Luckily we don't have to travel which is a blessing in itself. I can't believe that next Christmas we will have a new addition to the family. I can't hardly wait.
Work is good. Now that I am working full time it's been crazy. I'm still working the 9-6 but hoping to get switched to an earlier shift sometime soon. When traffic is bad in the evenings, it takes Hayden and I 2 hours to get home!! Not FUN!! I love working with the kids and enjoy being around adults during the day. Hayden is in the class directly next to mine and loves it. His teacher is great and he gets to spend the day with one of his good friends Kenny. Unfortunately with him in school he doesn't get to see Landon much but we are planning a sleepover real soon.
Hayden is doing excellent in school he can write his name with little help. He knows his days of the week, seasons, most of the months, and can count to 20, and 10 in spanish! He is such a smart kid. And he will be 3 tomorrow! I can't believe it. We had a tiny party for him yesterday, I hadn't planned on doing a party this year. But, we threw one together is about 2 days. Nikki and the kids came to mom, my friend Caroline and her daughter Lilli, and my friend Jessica with her son Kenny from school came over. Kenny is in Hayden's class at school. It was fun and quick and easy. The way they should be. Thanks mom for offering to do it at your house!
We don't really have much news about the baby. No news is good news for us! I've been to the doctor a few times since my last post and everything is moving along just fine. Strong heartbeat and all. I'm definitely showing and can't believe I'm a week away from being 1/2 way through with this pregnancy. Not much longer and we get to meet him/her. I'm all belly, which is a good thing. Some how I've only managed to gain 4lbs! Don't ask me how, I have no clue. I definitely feel like I've gained way more than that! Working and staying active has something to do with it I'm sure. Believe me, I eat! I've been eating a lot of tomato soup and dumplings. I crave it all the time. Greg laughs at me because he thinks it's disgusting but it's actually really good! Jeni tried it when she was here and wasn't impressed. Oh well. In an early post I mentioned that at our 13 week ultrasound the tech thought she saw little boy parts. She wasn't 100%, so she told us not to go out and buy things. I've had a feeling the entire pregnancy that it's another little boy but what do I know. We go back on the 20th for our anatomy scan and as long as the little booger cooperates we will know what we are having. I can't wait!
Okay, enough rambling. I'll be posting pictures soon. So be on the lookout!
25 Easy Dip Recipes With Few Ingredients
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