Monday, March 31, 2008

Please stop raining...

...we want to go outside!

But, since it didn't stop raining, we made lemon bars!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mmmm...that's good!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Greg finally said I could buy furniture for my screen porch! If your wondering why I'm taking so many pictures it's because I got a new camera too! Greg's making up for all those missed holidays. Just kidding!

My new computer

Hayden got his very first computer from Nana for Easter and he loves it. I was actually surprised at how much he can do on it.

Thanks Nana!

I've posted a lot today so keep scrolling down!

Hayden's first trip to the movies

Horton : )

Yesterday, we thought it would be a good idea to take Hayden to the movies. After we went and ate breakfast at IHOP, went to Target, and by the hospital to see our friends Ken and Jessica's new adorable baby, we headed over to the movies. After spending $33.00 we went and took our seats. Hayden thought it was so neat but, it only lasted 15 minutes and we had to leave. Oh well, At least we know not to take a 2 year old to the movies again!

Easter Egg Hunt

Thanks Grandma!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Because I love my husband, I made this for dinner. Even though I think Meat should not be formed into a loaf! Hopefully Hayden won't like it and I'll never have to make it again!!
(For all those wondering, Hayden wouldn't even touch it. So Greg got a whole loaf of meat all to himself. He said it was really good, I don't agree!)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Note to Self


7 things

7 Things you may not know about me...
(all of us bloggers have been challenged)

1.) I never wanted children. I know that sounds horrible but it wasn't on my list of things I was dying to do. When I graduated high school I wanted to graduate college, back pack across Europe, and live in NYC for at least a year. I have done none of those things. But, I have been blessed with the amazing gift of being a mother. If I could go back and re-write my list, having children would definitely be on it.

2.) I have an obsession with my vacuum cleaner. It drives Greg crazy he laughs every time I get it out. I don't like to feel things under my feet. So I run my little Bissell about 20 or so times a day.

3.) When I was 15 I was convinced my parents were going to buy me a brand new Silver Spider Eclipse. My step dad would tease me every time we went some where. I was really convinced, instead they bought me a 1991 red hatch back Hyundai excel that I wrecked 2 months after I had my license. I bet they were glad they didn't buy me that eclipse. My parents paid for my little car to get fixed but not to get painted. So for a year and half in high school I drove a two toned car.

4.) I used to love cats growing up. We always had them at our house. Now I can't stand them. I think they are a little weird and kind of gross. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with Greg being deathly allergic but I can't stand them.

5.) I Love BBQ sauce. I can eat it on anything. I put it on macaroni and cheese, popcorn, and cheerios. I know that sounds a little strange but it's really good on dry cheerios.

6.) I like the smell of Clorox and Pine-sol. In college my roommate would have to leave our room when I cleaned because she couldn't stand the smell of it. I don't use either of those now as much as I used to because of Hayden. Come to think of it she kind of had it rough I used to make her eat her tuna in the hallway because it would make me gag. Poor Tanya!

7.) I bite my nails. I've tried everything to stop. I've even put hot sauce on them, it didn't work. I've seriously considered voodoo therapy or acupuncture treatments to quit. I don't know what else to do.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Smart Boy

This is what Hayden picked out for snack today! He's so smart! I think he takes after his mommy!

Monday, March 10, 2008

For Tricia

I get so busy in my day to day schedule that I take for granted all the little things that make being a mom so special. The good and the bad. (who am I kidding there is no bad) I've mentioned in a couple recent posts about the Lawrenson Family and there struggle over the past few months and months to come. I've been challenged to make a list of all the things that I take for granted that I wish so deeply for Tricia to experience. So Tricia this is for you:

I can't wait for you to experience this...

  • Late night feedings and singing Gwyneth back to sleep.
  • Staying awake the entire night the first time she sleeps in her crib
  • Laying in bed listening to the sweet noises she makes over the monitor
  • Christmas mornings
  • Rushing to take your first shower in 3 days during naptime
  • Having her fall asleep on your chest and wishing that moment would last forever.
  • projectile vomit from the back seat of the car (we know it all happens)
  • Hearing her say mommy for the first time
  • Seeing those little arms stretched up in the air begging for you to pick her up.
  • Hearing her say "It's alright mommy" when you burn your hand or are crying
  • Telling your Nathan "it's your turn I changed her last time".
  • bath time
  • reading bedtime stories (the same one over and over)
  • The obsession kids get with things and having to carry her favorite toy everywhere you go (and its a new one every week)
  • only being able to wash her favorite blanket when she's asleep
  • smeared dirty diapers in the crib
  • Seeing Gwyneth run around the house playing with Meka
  • First teeth
  • First steps
  • Having Gwyneth crawl in bed with you just to snuggle one last time before going to sleep
  • Bear hugs right when you wake up in the morning
  • watching the same show over and over on tv
  • demanding that she wear a certain shirt even though its 2 sizes to small
  • those sweet slobbery kisses

I could go on forever...Tricia I just can't wait until you can touch her skin to skin. And all the other little moments that we take for granted everyday but are so very special.

Friday, March 7, 2008


News: For those of you who do not know yet, Greg will be opening another store. He did such a great job opening Durham that they've asked him to open the Apex store. Although, this means another long 3 months we are really excited for Greg to be given this opportunity. In the long run it will be good for his career and for our family. We are not going to move! We actually only live about 20-25 minutes away. On some days it will actually be closer than his drive to Durham. We like where we live and don't plan on going anywhere for a while. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers the first open was pretty hard on us. Hopefully since we know what we are getting into this time it will be a little easier.

Just so darn cute

Boys will be boys

This week hasn't been jammed pack full of things but, I've been having a hard time catching up with myself. Greg was out of town at the beginning of the week so that threw me off schedule a bit. I did have the chance to spend the day with my brother on Tuesday which was really nice. I don't get to see him as often as I would like. He always brings a little excitement every where he goes (If you've ever met him you know what I mean). The week started out beautiful and Hayden was able to play outside all weekend and on Monday and some of Tuesday. He has become quite the little boy. Covering his blanket with dirt, jumping in puddles, "mowing the lawn", bringing nature inside (I don't really like this, but what can you do). Boys will be boys! We have hard wood floors throughout most of our house and two sliding glass doors that lead the screen porch and then outside. Hayden can never decide if he wants to be in or out so him and Meko are constantly tracking "stuff" inside. I feel like all I do is clean the floor. I'm kind of a nut about the floor anyway I can't stand to feel grit underneath my feet.

Tuesday night Greg got back in town and Hayden and I had to go pick him up in the middle of the "monsoon". It was horrible. Normally when it's raining I don't leave the house. It's just a hassle with a 2 year old so if I don't have to go out, I don't. But, this time I had to and was not happy about it. It was dark and pouring and I had to go pick up Greg from North Raleigh. Traffic was horrible and I couldn't see and I get stressed out easily. Hayden was in the back seat the whole time saying "mommy look" over and over. Finally, we picked up Greg and it was raining so hard that he just jumped in and I got stuck driving again. Traffic was still bad and it was still raining and I just don't do well. I get in a lane and I stay there because I can't see. So I've got Greg saying "can't you just go around these people, we're going 35 on 40" I was perfectly fine going 35 that way I could see and I knew we would be safe. Once we reach Chapel Hill we get stuck in basketball traffic by this time we had been in the car forever and we were all ready to get home. Just as I get on the ramp to get off 40 and onto Hwy 54, Hayden projectile vomits like 5 times. So here I am driving in the rain and the horrible traffic and my kid is in the back seat screaming covered in puke. It was a wonderful night. I would have taken pictures but you wouldn't have wanted to see them.

The rest of my week has been OK, nothing special. Here are some pictures from the beginning of the week.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Not your traditional lawnmower

Hayden's lawnmower doesn't run on gas like most...


Do you see what I see?

Looks like blanket will be getting a bath tonight!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

This morning

I didn't think I had enough house work to do today so I dumped an entire bottle of this


onto the hallway floor! Yep it took me almost 45 minutes to clean it up. The sad thing is that I just bought it yesterday. I'm a genius!