Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Watch me Grow


6 weeks

8 weeks 1 day

9 weeks 2 days

11 weeks 3 days

13 weeks 2 days

look at those little feet crossed
It has been so crazy to see this baby grow. As you can tell from the pictures above he/she has changed so much in just a few weeks. My appointment today went well. My subchorionic hemorrhage looks to be a little bigger. It's about 2cm which isn't big at all. It is still something to keep a close eye on though. So, I go back on December 2, for another ultrasound. The babies heart beat was 169. The little booger wouldn't stay still for very long. It was just a wiggling. Hopefully, everything will continue to go smoothly. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers, we aren't out of the woods just yet. I'll keep you posted.
Everything looks great!! Baby is growing right on schedule and is very strong. My subchorionic hemorrhage is almost gone. I've had some spotting this week and they seem to think that is coming directly from the hemorrhage and that is why it is going away! Thank Goodness! I had another transvaginal ultrasound, you can see things better this way. The tech is pretty sure, she said almost 100% that we are having another boy. We are fine with that. Hayden has been a wonderful kid and we know that another boy would be just as wonderful. We will know definitely what we are having when we have our anatomy scan at 20 weeks. But, we all saw little boy parts on the screen, it was definitely not cord. It's amazing how early they can tell things. I don't go back to the doctor until December 30...hallelujah! I was getting tired of going. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers, it mean a lot!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving (Day One)

Yesterday we went to my Grandmothers for Thanksgiving. It brought back a lot of memories from when I was a kid. We used to have Thanksgiving at her house every year until we got older and started doing it at my mom's house. Thanksgiving is and always has been my favorite holiday. I'm not really sure why. I guess I just like the togetherness of the family. Plus, I have such fond memories of it growing up. The kids played with the same exact toys we played with when we were kids. They played in the same tree we played in. It was really great to see our kids enjoying the same things we did.Crazy Cody (refusing to have his picture taken, but still cute)

Beautiful Kaylee (a spitting image of my sister)

Hayden the Ham (always ready for a picture)

Sweet Landon (always ready for his picture taken too)

CHAOS (we were trying to get a picture of all the kids in the tree. It didn't work out so well and I'm not sure what Nikki is doing.

We have more Thanksgiving festivities to attend today. So, more pictures to come later. Maybe I can get a picture of all of them together this time.
I hope every one's Thanksgiving was as great as ours!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Adventures

This week has been a little different for Hayden and me. We both started new adventures on Monday. I am now working full time at a Daycare/preschool and Hayden is going to school. To be exact he is going to the same facility I am working at and He loves it. He tells me everyday he's not ready to go home and all he talks about is school. I don't have a lot of time this morning to get in to detail but I'll be back with a longer post and some pictures in the coming days. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Finally a few photos

We took some pictures for our Christmas card in the front yard on Sunday. Hayden will be the only one displaying his cuteness this year. I'm just not Christmas card material. Here are a few of the shots that didn't make it to the card. Thanks Shelly for the code from snapfish!

Oh NO!

This is what happens when you leave the fridge unlocked!!
Thanks Hayden, because I didn't have enough to do already!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm still here, I've just been sleeping

I know I haven't posted in awhile. I have no pictures either. The truth is, I'm exhausted. I've been either too busy to post or I've been sleeping. Seriously, I'm in bed by 8:00 every night. I'm hoping that in a week or so I'll start to get some energy back because I seriously have NONE. I'm feeling great overall I just feel like I need to sleep. Our doctors appointment last week went very well. The doctor said that she doesn't think that my subchorionic Hemorrhage is anything to worry about. I hope she's right. Mom and I had a hard time seeing it on the ultrasound screen. It definitely wasn't as visible as the week before. I go back to the doctor on the 19th for my normal 12 week appointment and another ultrasound just to follow up. This will be the 4th ultrasound we've had in just the first trimester. Hopefully things will be smooth sailing from here on out. I have a good feeling about it plus I just don't think I can take any bad news.

Hayden is doing great. I can't believe that he'll be 3 in two months. It just doesn't seem possible. Tonight him and Landon are having a sleepover. Those two have so much fun together. Greg and I were just talking about how it's so strange to listen to the two of them conversing. They really are growing up.

Greg has been on vacation since Sunday. It's so nice to have him at home. Especially since I've been so tired. He's been doing laundry and cooking dinner. And he's even been doing the dishes. I've been amazed at how much he has helped out this week. Hayden and I are pretty lucky to have him in our life. I couldn't ask for a better husband. I know you read this sometimes so, Thanks Greg for all you've done lately. Hayden and I love you!!

I promise I'll have pictures soon. As soon as I wake up!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What would you do with a minute?

McDonald's has a new campaign asking kids what they would do with one minute. You can read about it here at The Mom Salon. Over there they are asking moms what they would do with one minute.

Here is what I would do:

If I had one extra minute I would spend it with Hayden just talking. His little imagination is amazing and the stories he has to tell are priceless.

If Hayden had one minute:

He would probably take off all his clothes and run around the house like a wild man. (this seems to be his favorite activity lately. Last night I had to put his clothes back on 8 times and then I gave up.)

So what would you do with a minute?

You can also visit www.happymeal.com

Journey to the Center of the Earth

In 3D at Grandma's house.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I can't believe it

I can't even believe it. I entered a contest for a virtual baby shower worth $2600 over at Accidental Mommies, and I am one of the 10 finalists out of 270 entries. I don't know why they thought that I was so special. But, thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.

Since July when we had a miscarriage our lives have been kind of upside down. It really crushed us. On September we found out that we are expecting again. Although we were very excited we were a little scared at the same time. Everything was going smoothly until last Tuesdays 8 wk ultrasound where they discovered that I have a subchorionic hemorrhage. Which is basically a blood clot between the placenta and the uterine wall. This was devastating news to us. I can't even imagine going through another miscarriage only 5 short months later. So far, our strong little baby is doing well. He/She has a very strong heartbeat and is growing everyday. We had originally decided not to tell anyone about our pregnancy so we didn't have to go through the pain of telling everyone bad news. However, at this point we need all the prayers we can get. I go back to the doctor on Wednesday for another ultrasound to see what the blood clot is doing. Hopefully, it is no longer there and we will have a baby to hold in June!! Please pray for us and our unborn baby. If we do win I'm sure he/she will enjoy all of the wonderful prizes!!

Thank you so much Accidental Mommies for choosing me to be one of your finalists. You have no clue how much this means to me and my family.

Friday, October 31, 2008

To Infinity and Beyond!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm sick

I'm sick. I have caught whatever Hayden had and I'm miserable. I'd like to rip out my throat it hurts so bad. Plus, I'm cold and I don't like to be cold. What happen to beautiful fall weather, I feel like we jumped right into winter. Hayden is better so that's a plus. Luckily, I have a pretty laid back kid (most of the time) so we've been laying on the couch watching Halloween movies for the last few days. We've watched Monster House, The Nightmare Before Christmas(his current favorite), It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown, Poohs Heffalump Halloween Movie, and of course all our Noggin Halloween favorites. I'm beginning to think that Halloween is Hayden's favorite holiday. He is going to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. It is the cutest costume ever and he's so funny. I try to get a jump start on things so I bought his costume back in May at the Disney Store for $12 originally $40 something. Every year they try to get rid of last years costumes before they put out the new ones. It's such a good deal because the costumes are way better than the ones you would get at the Halloween store or Walmart. Hayden has been wearing it all week. Plus, he wears it when he watches Toy Story. He walks around the house going "To Infinity and Beyond". That kid is something else. This will be his first year trick or treating. We didn't feel like he needed to go the years before. I'll be taking him on our street only. There are 9 houses I don't think he needs anymore candy than that. He's been practicing too, he walks around with his pumpkin bucket saying "trick or treat, can I have some candy, please".

Anyway, not much going on here. Hopefully, I'll start to feel better soon. Because this stinks. Happy Halloween Everybody, I'll be sure to post pictures of our Space Ranger tomorrow.

Friday, October 24, 2008

A trip to the park

A week late...

We have many parks in our area that we like to go to. This is the first time that we've been to the park at the community center and we weren't really that impressed. Hayden was bored after about 15 minutes. They do have a very pretty rose garden that you can walk around in. I didn't take any pictures of it, I was too busy trying to keep Hayden from picking the roses.

He's growing up so fast. I can't believe that in just a few short months he will be 3. He's such a big boy now and he knows it!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Boys are Sick!

Can you just imagine what the last two days have been like for me with a sick husband and a sick little boy. Not fun!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

31 Things

Britney tagged everyone.

1. Where is your cell phone? probably dead somewhere
2. Where is your significant other? at work :(
3. Your hair color? blond (very blond, thanks Janie & Donna, it still looks good)
4. Your mother? Mimi
5. Your father? George
6. Your favorite thing? {at this moment} fall weather
7. Your dream last night? I have no clue
8. Your dream/goal?To be the best mother and wife I can possibly be
9. The room you're in? Office
10. Your hobby?poetry( I don't write often enough anymore) reading
11. Your fear? that something will happen to my family
12. Where do you want to be in six years? In a comfortable position financially, happily married, with beautiful happy children.
13. Where were you last night? at home
14. What you’re not? a working mom
15. One of your wish list items? oh goodness I have lots, right now it would be a full tank of gas in the propane tank
16. Where you grew up? Fuquay-Varina, NC
17. The last thing you did? black yoga pants and white shirt
19. Your TV? is playing Noggin
20. Your pet? Meko, our almost 5 year old cockerspaniel
21. Your computer? is a pain
22. Your mood? right now, I'm hungry
23. Missing someone? yes
24. Your car? Mazda 6
25. Something you’re not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? Target
27. Your summer? short, stressful
28. Love someone? I've got lots of love
29. Your favorite color? blue
30. When is the last time you laughed? this morning at hayden eating his cereal
31. Last time you cried? Last Tuesday

I tag everyone!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah

No pictures today! I left my camera in the car and I keep forgetting to take it out. Actually, Greg left it in the car...not me. But, whatever! Hayden and I had a pretty busy weekend which is so not the norm for us. Friday, Landon came over for what I like to call, "Toddler Sleepovers". They are adorable together and exhaust me completley but, keep me laughing at the same time. Landon went home with a black eye (sorry Nikki) from wrestling in the bath tub. Hayden got two minor concussions from jumping on the bed and hitting the wall. Just kidding about the concussion part. He did say he was dizzy though, both times. The two of them ate an entire pizza by themselves, except for the one piece they let me have. A whole pizza, these are 3 years olds! I didn't know they start eating so much so early. They went to bed with no problems at 8:30 and I had the rest of the evening to myself.

Saturday I decided to take Greg to work and spend the day in Fuquay. This is also rare for us, we don't get out of the house much. We hung out with my mom and Hayden played outside for hours at my sisters house. I miss them, I wish we still lived right up the road from them. Yesterday, Hayden was the pits. I guess he was over exhausted from two busy days. He was not fun to be around yesterday. This morning he woke up at 5:30 with a fever and a runny nose. He seems to be feeling better and the fever has not come back. Hayden has pretty much abandoned nap time for the last couple months. I've decided that I was going to reinforce them starting yesterday. So far so good, and I've gotten to take two uninterrupted showers!! Hallelujah!

This week should be pretty uneventful we don't have much planned. Happy Monday everyone!!! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I promise I'll post pictures over the next few days.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Workin' at the car wash

I love it when I get to sit back and snap pictures while the boys work. On top of that I love to see these two together. Today, they've been pretty much inseparable. Greg had 1/2 of yesterday, today, and tomorrow off. We love it when he's here, even when he's driving me crazy. Early today our living room was turned into a wresting match (I didn't get any pictures, I was to busy making sure my baby didn't get hurt). Hayden and Greg are adorable together and it's so nice to see them bond the way they do. In a way, I'm a little jealous. But, I know who they both need to keep them grounded and going day to day. Plus, I like to sit on the sidelines and watch them play together, it makes my heart smile.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Today, like two seconds ago, I decided that I don't like ice in my Hawaiian Punch.
Man, I learn something new about myself everyday.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Perfect Size

We have a dog. We love our dog. But, he's not the walking on a leash type of dog, he never has been. He needs some serious training when it comes to the leash. Hayden would never be able to take Meko for a walk on his own. Meko would be dragging him behind. It would be ugly.

When we were in Texas, Hayden fell in love with Melody. She is the perfect size for him. He loved to take her for walks and she loved it when he took her on a walk. He misses her so much and when I showed him these pictures of him and Melody he asked if we could go to Nana's today. We miss you Melody and Jenny, and we miss our human relatives in Texas too!!!!
We Love you guys!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hayden says:

Daddy: "Hayden, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Hayden: "BIGGER"

(I couldn't have come up with a better answer myself)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Are you serious?!?

I woke up this morning completely uncomfortable. I wonder why? Are these two really serious. Do they think that I like to sleep in the fetal position? Do they think that I only need one little square of the bed and an inch of the blanket? The sad thing is that I don't kick him off in my sleep because I'm too nice. Well, I'm sick of it. I'm getting my bed back! I'm going to sleep comfortable again! You two just wait until tonight!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can I have this...

What a wonderful day!

Yesterday, Hayden and I had a fantastic afternoon. Our day started out normal, I did laundry and my Monday cleaning while he played Lego's and made a mess. After lunch we went for a long walk, hand in hand, talking about our day. He talked and talked about everything he saw and what he liked. I was informed that his favorite color is red, not green like I thought. His favorite food is not candy, it's spaghetti. His favorite thing in the world is his soccer ball, I thought it was me! I learned a lot about that little boy yesterday just while taking a walk around the neighborhood. He informed me that our neighbors were actually monkeys that moved hear from the jungle. The used to live with the snakes and the jaguars (go figure). He has quite the imagination. His story was even equipped with the sound that the animals make. I've decided from hear on out to ditch the stroller and walk hand in hand with him always because I learn so much more about my son.

After our walk we kicked around his favorite thing in the world in the front yard. I'm still a little upset I'm not his favorite thing. But, I'm glad I was getting kicked around. Anyway, then we went exploring for wild exotic orange mushrooms (just mushrooms really). Our adventure started in the front yard and we ended up exploring the neighbors yards too. (hope they don't mind) We explored the park at the end of our street and saw fire ants and a hornets nest. When we finally made our way back home we had juice and a snack and watched Blues Clues. What a Beautiful Day!!!

Did you do any exploring yesterday?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Don't Vote

I'm not a political person. I never have been. But, this election may be the most important election EVER! So please, register to vote! Plus this PSA is great if you haven't seen it yet.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Marshmallow Fluff

One of my favorite things in the world, Marshmallow Fluff. Man, I love that stuff. The other evening while in the kitchen I realized that even though Hayden has had a million marshmallows, he has never had Marshmallow Fluff! So I whipped out the jar and handed it over with a spoon.

He loved it! How could you not!

(I had a cute little video but it won't upload.)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our family we miss

Hayden and Aunt Donna
Uncle Jessie and Aunt Jeni
and of course, Nana
We miss you guys. Can't wait to see you again.
(Sorry about the pictures something is seriously wrong with mycamera>)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

On my way to Nana's

Finally, pictures from our trip. Over the next few days I'll be posting pictures and videos from our trip to Texas. This first set is all about the airplane. This was Hayden's third time on a plane but, really the only one where we really got to get him involved. Plus, Daddy was with us which made it more exciting. A few months back I had bought Hayden his own luggage, and let me tell you that boy sure did think he was something else. We got so many compliments on his "I'm on my way to Nana's" shirt, everyone loved it. It was definitely a big hit at the airport. Hayden was absolutely wonderful on the plane and at the airport, we couldn't have asked for a better kid.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We're Home!

We got home from Texas this afternoon. We had a fabulous trip. We are all exhausted! We will miss everyone so much but, are glad to be home at the same time. I have pictures and videos to post, I'll do it later. Right now you can find me on the screen porch with my family. It is gorgeous outside. Oh, how I love North Carolina's changing seasons.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For Aunt Jeni

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Did Not!

I got this from a blog I read daily and thought it was a cute idea. It proves we are all imperfect parents.

I did not let my son wear his pajamas all day long. I did not let him roam the house in only his pajama top and nothing else until he went stinky in the potty.

I did not put baby powder in my hair to mask the oiliness when I went to the grocery store because I was too lazy to take a shower.

I did not just make oiliness a word. ( I just did spell check and apparently oiliness is a word)

I did not forget to plug my phone in for the 18th day in a row and let it go dead.

I did not let my husband feed our son popcorn and ice cream for lunch. And I most certainly did not let him eat croutons for a snack because he wanted them.

I did not eat McDonalds for lunch even though I said I would not eat fast food. I did not, not tell my husband that I ate McDonalds for lunch when he asked if I had already eaten lunch.

I did not buy 6 bottles of our favorite bbq sauce today b/c it was on sale.

And I most certaintly did not stay in bed late today and let Greg and Hayden fend for themselves.

What did you not do today?

Monday, September 8, 2008


Yep that's me, Lazy. As in Lazy Blogger and Lazy Picture Taker. I get in these moods sometimes. I don't know why I just do.

Really the truth is that I've been in a horrible mood and haven't felt like taking pictures or blogging.

I'm just a grump really. And my favorite song from Noggin that I sing to Hayden when he's a grump best describes how I feel.

We leave for Texas in about a week. And I'm not grumpy about that, I'm actually very excited. Over the weekend Hayden has decided to regress a little bit in the potty training area. I worked so hard that it just frustrates me so much. However, we will just go back to square one of our potty training boot camp. And I'll have to drill it in his head again. He's doing ok for the most part he's just having a few more accidents than I would like to see.

Again, sorry for the lazy blogging, when I get back from Texas I'll have tons of pictures!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thank You Jenn

Jenn at I hate Whine gave me another little bloggy award. She's always thinking of me when it comes to these things. The rules of this one are to give it back to the people that have been following you the longest and one person from another country. Well, Jenn is really the only blogger that follows me on a daily basis and I'm not sure that there are any that follow me from another country that blog. Oh, except Adria! Since Jenn and Adria are the only ones that really follow me and Jenn has already gotten it I give it to Adria at Taylor Times. I have tons of family that follow the blog but, they don't write their own. So, thanks to everyone that has read from the beginning and started later. I've really enjoyed chronicling our lives as Hayden has grown. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hayden says

Hayden: "mommy what is that" (pointing to my face)

Me : "mommy's face is peeling"

Hayden: "hmmm what is that?" (pointing to my face again)

Me: "mommy's face is peeling because she got to much sun"

Hayden: "icky, it's kind of icky"

Me: "thanks"

Hayden: "don't like it, it's really gross"

Monday, September 1, 2008

Can I have your attention...please!

Hayden is potty trained. For the last 3 days he has gone potty by himself without being reminded, bribed, or threatened to go (Ok, well maybe Nana bribed him just a little bit). He has been accident free for 3 days...did you hear me...3 DAYS! We officially have a big boy. He has been staying dry during naps and even throughout the entire night.
I'm so happy I could scream it from the roof tops. The last few weeks have been very tiring and stressful but completely worth it. Hooray for no more diapers!!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Best Buds

Hayden and Landon love to play together. Landon comes over and spends the night with us quite a bit here recently. We love having him here and they get along so well. Landon is only 5 months older than Hayden is. Nikki (my sister) and I did a good job at planning our pregnancies so they would be close in age..Hahaha!!! (Hayden and Landon both were surprise pregnancies)

They were watching Robots and eating popcorn in the living room. Something must have shocked Hayden. I don't know how since he's seen the movie 3 million times.

This is how Landon woke up in the morning! He's such a happy kid.

Hayden was still sleeping when I went in that morning.

These pictures are from a week ago when Landon spent the night with us. I have been quite a lazy photographer lately so I didn't take as many pictures as I normally do. Landon also spent the night with us this past Thursday and I didn't take one picture. I'm such a slacker.